Contractors and Consultants in Civil Engineering, Project Supervision, Supplies and General Commerce

Great Work is Commendable

Every building project is different. At NUKUNS Enterprise, we walk it all the way through with our clients in examining all the essential stages towards achieving a succcesful and desired build. In the process, we move beyond just simple concerns on elevating beautiful structures, to analytical evaluations on location suitability, local needs and necessary emergency accompanying structures. Our civil engineering team undertakes the initial studies on diligence and feasibility, thereby, making the necessary recommendations to you. We build at your pace and taste yet we ensure that we provide irrefutable quality output builds.

At NUKUNS ENTERPRISE, we are always up to the challenge in road construction and maintenance services. We engage in procedural steps through planning mechanisms in evaluating the needs the road intends to serve; get surveyors on site for evaluating alignments, shape, direction, soil properties, drainage and potential future expansion concerns; Enhance earthworks, lay pavements and conduct quality control before usage; and finally make projections on longterm usage maintenance needs. 

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About Us

Nukuns Enterprise was conceived and created in 2012 in Bamenda, the regional capital of North-West in the Republic of Cameroon. The sole proprietor, Mr. Musa Omarou Numvi, a business magnet formerly involved in the importation of motorcycle spare parts from China and Nigeria, created Nukuns Enterprise that has over the years, transformed into one of the city's most productive companies in the areas of:

  •  Civil engineering works
  • Business consultancy
  • Supplies

The enterprise has within the years since its creation till date, realized several micro and major projects. Some of these projects include:

  1. Schools Construction. This involves the building of classrooms and offices within school campuses. An example is the case of GTC NJENKA workshop structure designed and built by NUKUNS Enterprise.
  2. Construction of Market Public Use Spaces. Within this category, NUKUNS Enterprise have entertained and build several community market spaces, for example ANDEK main market in NGIE Sub-Division Momo-Division.
  3. Roads Construction. Examples include FUNYU/YOUNG DOUALA road in BAWOCK-BALI Sub-Division....


(sole proprietor)

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NUKUNS Enterprise operates in multiple structures and satisfactorily delivers to all our customers in various business domains. 

Civil Engineering 

  • We carry out studies
  • We supervise works as control engineers
  • We develop and produce structural hypothesis, details, and specification for construction
  • We completely realize construction projects
  • We produce tender files for contracts

General Supplies 

  • We propose durable supply items for offices and homes.
  • We supply office working and comfortable home equipment
  • We carry after-sale services

Car Services 

  • We have invested in goods and services transportation facilities and duly provide well-serviced transport trucks, pick-up Hilux and vans.
  • We also provide luxuries car rental services for service personnel and for special occasions 


  • We contact the whole world
  • We direct clients to achieve their dream
  • We facilitate travels, contact, and world purchase

Our Mission

Our mission is to satisfy our clients professionally and in honesty. The comfort of our clients gives us the greatest satisfaction and the zeal to work harder: to conceive, create and deliver worldwide.

Analyses of Projects

We diagnose ethically the worries of our clients and come out with satisfying needs. Geotechnical exams are carried out for structures to assure durability in civil engineering works and other exams in the various domains.

Working Hours

The enterprise operates throughout the calendar year. The offices of the enterprise are opened on Monday to Friday from 8 am till 3: 30pm for office works and 24hrs daily for technical services.


Our processes are highly technical, our deliverables very feasible and our clients extremely satisfied. In striving to solve your issues and meet your needs: we target and realize our mission as our ultimate solution. 


We have been severally tested, used, and proven very reliable from our past community services. Are you in need? Knock on our door and we will open, seek us and you shall find us; and make your request and we shall deliver to you. 

office cupboard

Office Equipments

road works

Tarring highways


Office Equipments


Community Council Building


Retaining wall and landslide prevention




Road Construction Survey Works


Building supervision

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